Welcome. I realized recently that if you squint really hard, this site kind of looks like you’re about to get run over by a semi truck. Or maybe you stared directly at the sun for a long, long time.

Reading it might feel that way too. But really, what's the difference? I'm through with this. Let me radiate. All of my emotions, conclusions, opinions, strengths, weaknesses, fears, principles, and values, unabashedly, unapologatically. From this point forward, everything I touch, do, or say will carry the totality of who I am, whatever the outcome may be.

Whatever this is or whatever it becomes, it's about being honest: being truly and unabashedly me wherever I am. Good luck, happy perusing, and stay away from barrelling semi trucks.

And siamese cats if you're allergic

Universally highly acclaimed (and celebrated everywhere) for its extravagant, beautiful design. This is where I put my shit. Now for some seasonal ambiance:

It's dark.

Over the course of the past hour, the light tapping of rain against your bedroom window has risen to a deafening blur and the orange of the streetlguth seems to dim against the onslaught. There's something comforting about it. Maybe it's like the immobilization of a heavy blanket, that thick layer of cushion that simultaneously insulates, protects, and absolves you of all responibilities-you couldn;t move if you tried. Maybe its the implicit testament to the strength and shielding of your domicile. Or maybe its the rustling of the rain, naturally crescendooing into a stable white noise that gently drowns our your thoughts and lulls you into a---

The room lights up and your ears split open. A yelp escapes your lips as the air rapidly rushes out of your body and the house jolts to the side. It shakes violently. You inhale rapidly through your nose. And still it's shaking, the low reverberation of the crash dancing through the thick bristly hair on your arms. You're blind. You think. Although after a couple of blinks the blanki white gives way to spots and the walls beign to steady themselves, and then, finally, its dark, darker than before, and despite a slight residual ring, the steady power of the rain is all that's left.

You sigh, and brush the hair on your forearms down, collecting yourself. The streetlight is out. You fumble along your bedside table with you hands. The lamp? You try to switch it on. Click. Nothing. Hmm...

You scan the surface of the table again until you feel your phone. Pulling it towards your face, you tap it on. You John B tribute wallpaper is something, but it's not enough. You swipe down and and pull up the brightness. This brighter John B is still not enough.

There's clearly only one viable solution to this.

Your well trained thumbs dance across the screen as you delicately type the url. And then, with the help of your Mint Mobile 5G LTE Ultra-Wideband unlimited cellular plan with direct line to Ryan Reynolds and his mom, it's there. Universally highly accliamed (and celebrated everywhere) for its extravangant, romantic period design. And this seasonal picture of a turkey.

The light to your dark.

It's perfect.

homefrom 08.21.24